Newly Engaged; Must read advice (congrats)
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS! This is an incredibly special time for you as a couple, so you MUST celebrate!! With each other, with your families and friends – it's pretty much an excuse to drink Prosecco non-stop for a good few weeks, so don't let the opportunity pass!
Secondly, after your two-week Prosecco hangover, the dreaded word is most probably constantly on your mind...planning.
Yes, planning must start eventually, but there is certainly no rush! Take time to talk with your other half about what you're really wanting as a couple, what you agree on, what you don't, and what you will have to compromise on (sorry men, but mostly talking to you here!!). Most importantly, figure out what epitomizes you guys as a couple, and find a way to reflect that within your big day.
Thirdly, pick a date, don't stress though! As whether you want to get married in two months or two years, it is possible. Here at The Wedding Festival Company we will make your wedding as perfect as can be, in whatever time frame you need! We have a whopping 42 venues across the UK and counting, so we can create your dream day within as short or long a timespan as you need.
Also, when picking your date...would be right in saying that one of the first things you think about when you've picked your date is...'but what if it rains on the day we've picked?!'. None of us are fortune tellers, and unfortunately, we live in England. You might have rain, you might have glorious sunshine (but the TWFC is always fully prepared, with a wet weather contingency plan!). Either way, all you've got to remember is, you're marrying the person you love and it will undoubtedly be the best day of your lives, no matter what the weather. We've cringed ourselves out with that last sentence...
In the early stages of your planning, I am sure many of you are wanting to get as much inspiration as humanly possible (the best weddings are the ones that steal all the great ideas from other weddings, magazines and websites, just saying!). There are several places you can start with getting your inspo;
- To list just a few, Bridebook is a great app to start with – you can even find all of our services on there too.
- Bride Magazine is a fab place to start also. There are different editions for each county, and TWFC are in the Hampshire and Dorset editions if you want to keep an eye out for us.
- Another great thing to do if you like seeing everything in front of your own eyes is attending Wedding fairs where you can see everything from dresses and flowers, to tasting cakes and canapes! We'd be lying if we said we haven't often been tempted to go just for the freebee canapes...
- Pinterest is a fave of ours to get inspiration from, from décor to food ideas, Pinterest is the holy grail for style!
And then finally comes the endless list of extras that need to be thought about. Budget, guest list, venue, musicians, food choices, drink choices (we like to prioritize this first), and the list goes on. And then there's the aspects that you probably wouldn't think about such as licensing, finding the best quotes from suppliers, and the unglamorous elements such as booking toilets and skips. These are what we call 'the boring bits' and they're the bits that we believe our couples should never have to worry or even think about.
We take care of all of the above and beyond, and it is solely up to you and your partner to have as much or as little input as you wish.
We hope this advice blog comes in handy, and we would love for you to get in contact with us, no matter what stage you are at with your planning! We hope you've had a brilliant Christmas and wish you all a happy new year!
Lots of festive love, Lauren and Esme xxxxx
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